Nothing beats a good backyard game to bring the family together. So often, the home is divided as everyone in it is off doing his own thing.
The kids will grow up and be out of the home before we know it. So creating lasting memories and traditions in our homes is an essential element of family life.
Here are 24 games that you can play to have some backyard fun and make memories that will last a lifetime.
Backyard Cornhole
In this game, you place two cornhole boards a set distance apart and try to throw cornhole bags on top of the boards or (for the most points) in the hole.
Anywhere from two to four players can play, and it will prove to be a game you will play many times over.
The perfect game for kids that are competitive in nature.
Capture the Flag
Here’s a game that can be played with a lot of people – and it is extra fun at night.
Draw a line in the middle of the yard, hide a flag on both sides, divide the teams in half, and try to steal your opponent’s flag.
Ladder Toss
This game consists of two “ladders” and four ropes with balls on each end. Players place the ladders a set distance apart and toss the ropes at the different rungs to gain points.
KanJam is an exciting 2 or 4-player game in which the players toss a Frisbee at a can.
They can either make it through a slot in the can for an instant win, simply hit the can for 2 points, or have their teammate (standing by the can on the opposite end) deflect the Frisbee in for 3 points.
Four-Square Volleyball
Also known as Crossnet. For any of you out there who like volleyball and four square, this is the game for you.
A four-square court is created by the crossing of two nets. The rules of both games are blended together for double the fun.
Scavenger Hunt
One person hides various items for people to find and/or creates activities for people to do.
A list of objects is given to the hunters of what they need to accomplish to win, then the race is on to be the first person or team to complete the list.
Two to four players line up equally on either side of a net with rackets in hand. The objective is to hit the birdie within the boundary lines.
It’s like tennis without bouncing. Badminton is a simple game that can provide hours of fun.
Here’s a game that is easy to pick up and can include a large number of people. Get a net and volleyball and do your best to use your team to keep the ball off the ground and get it over to the other side in three hits or less.
Lawn Baseball
America’s greatest pastime must be included in a list of backyard games.
A Wiffle ball and plastic bat will do, and bases can be made out of rocks or just about anything you can find.
Flag Football Fun
A safe way for the family to play football. Flag football consists of everyone wearing flags, and when a person has the football, you take his flag (rather than tackle him) to stop the play.
A set for 10 people is very reasonably priced.
Ultimate Frisbee
Ultimate Frisbee has been a game that has grown in popularity quickly. It is played a lot like football but with a Frisbee (and is a safer alternative as the game does not consist of tackling).
Bocce Ball
This is a fun lawn game that has an air of sophistication, too!
A small white ball is thrown anywhere you choose in the yard. Players then take turns throwing their colored balls to try to get as close to the white ball as possible – while also hitting their opponent’s balls out of the way.
This yard game is a classic staple at picnics and family get-togethers.
Two metal poles are placed a set distance apart in the ground, and three low walls/barriers are placed around each bar.
Players take turns throwing horseshoes in an attempt to win points by getting them around the pole or as close as they can.
Players create a course with two poles and a number of rings between the poles.
Then they grab their mallets and balls and attempt to hit their balls through the rings (while also hitting their opponents’ balls out of the way).
Numbers are given to each player, and the person with the ball calls out a number while throwing it high into the air.
The player whose number is called grabs the ball, yells “Spud!” to stop the runners, then throws it at a person in an attempt to get them out. This is an excellent variation of dodge ball.
Flyers Up
One person has a ball and throws it into a group of people. Everyone in the group tries to catch it, but the one who does gets to be the next player to throw the ball.
Kick Ball
Played the same as baseball but with a large red bouncy kickball.
This game is easy for kids to pick up and can be played with many people. However, it requires a good bit of room.
One person closes his eyes and counts to a predetermined number while all other players hide.
When he finishes his count, he tries to find them.
This is a game kids under 10 love.

Simply get yourself a Frisbee and go out back and throw it around.
Sometimes the simplicity of tossing around a Frisbee can prove to be the best activity. Try to learn a few trick shots to amaze the family.
Frisbee Golf
Portable disc golf baskets can be purchased and placed in your backyard. It is played like golf but with Frisbee discs and baskets.
I Spy (Best Game for Travel)
Here’s a game where you don’t need anything other than people to play it with you. Look for a particular object in your playing area.
Then tell everyone else one fact about it (such as its color or shape), and have the others guess what it is.
Toddlers and younger kids can join in the fun with this game.
Giant Outdoor Board Games
There are quite a few large, outdoor versions of your favorite board games. Versions of Connect Four, Checkers, Jenga, Tic Tac Toe, and more are available for purchase.
This may combine the best of both worlds. The kids are having fun outdoors, and they get to play the games they already know and love. Set up 2 or more of these games to keep the action going with a tournament.
Everyone, from the youngest to the grandparents, will have fun competing.
Smaller than regulation basketball hoops can be purchased that can be fun for kids and adults of all ages.
A child’s hoop can be a creative starting point for a variety of basketball-themed games that can prove to be hours of fun for the whole family.
Do you have a pool? There are water basketball nets and smaller balls, or make up your own version of water polo.
Make a couple goals out of just about anything, find a soccer ball, and divide up the teams.
Use your team to make a goal while keeping the other team from scoring in yours.
Freeze Tag
Get a group of people and choose one person to be “It.” The one who is “It” tries to tag everyone, and when they get tagged, they freeze (take it easy on the kids, and they’ll love it).
Backyard Fun – Games Kids (and Adults) Can Enjoy
As each day goes by, it is very easy to think that we’ll have time to play and spend time with our families tomorrow.
But, unfortunately, the kids begin to grow up, and precious moments are lost.
Simply crossing paths with one another each day is not enough – we must find ways to come together in our homes.
Getting out in the yard together and trying some of these backyard games for kids could be just what your family needs.